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About Membership & Prices

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An Introduction

To apply to become a member for Oxon Pool (Specialist) you must be an experienced and competent angler with a respect for all wildlife, the fish, the countryside and its surroundings as well as other fishery members. The Pool, its contents and surroundings are protected by conservation restrictions and must be treated as so. As a consequence of the Conservation restrictions and elements of safety, the Management and the owners need to know who is present on the Pool and when they are there fishing. Carp fishing is for 24 hour sessions with the option to book up to three days in succession. With allowing an hour to set up on or leave your booked fishing platform, a single or first day reduces by that hour and therefore becomes a twenty three hour session. Coarse fishing is for daylight hours only. There is a Code of Conduct specific to Oxon Pool (Specialist) and also the Fishery Rules for Shrewsbury Town Fisheries which must be adhered to.

First you must apply using the dedicated Application Form of which is available via this website.
The Application Form must be completed in full and signed to confirm you have read and agree to all the rules, code of conduct and wish to apply to become a member.

Carp Fishing Annual Membership

£125.00 Plus (24 Hour Day) Ticket Fee £15.00

Coarse Fishing Annual Membership

£25.00 Plus (Daylight Hours) Day Ticket Fee £7.00

All Annual Memberships

These shall Roll for 12 Months From The Date You Join.

How Membership Works

1. Apply to become a Member as a Carp or Course Fishing Angler using the dedicated application form.
2. Once your Application is accepted you will be notified by email or mobile text.
3. Pay your appropriate membership fee as instructed.
4. When payment is received you will receive a login password to allow access into the membership area on the website.
5. A Membership Card will be mailed to your home address.
6. In the Membership Area you will be able to access a booking calender associated to your membership type, Carp or Coarse fishing. Here you can book Angling Fishing Platforms for the Pool and pay an appropriate Day Ticket Fee.
7. You may book a maximum of up to 3 days per calender month.
8. Once booked you will have confirmed your fishing date or dates and Platform for your fishing. You may only fish off the appropriate fishing platform you have booked.

Oxon Pool-Specialist Application for Membership

Please Complete your application in Full with all relevant details. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.



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